We love our horses! They are what makes it so special to ride here and their health and happiness is our main concern. All our horses have wonderful owners who adore them, as do the WVS staff and our much valued Members. We know that the way to keep horses happy in their work and content with their life is to ensure they are all treated as individuals, so we spend a lot of time getting to know their personalities and learning what makes them tick. We feel very privileged to be trusted to care for them and meeting their needs is our absolute top priority.

The prerequisite for creating a harmonious group is ensuring that riders are carefully matched with suitable horses so that they both have an enjoyable experience – we are able to do this, because we know and understand all our horses and our Members so well. Our horses enjoy plenty of hacking in beautiful natural surroundings – we are so lucky that many of our tracks are tree-lined, providing protection from the sun in the Summer and from the wind and rain in the Winter. Lessons in the arenas involve a short hack to and from the stables which helps keep the horses fresh and keen in their work. Both the tracks and the arenas are well maintained and varied work within our lessons contributes to ensuring the horses’ bodies remain stretched and supple, both of which are essential for their long-term soundness and fitness. We refuse to compromise on our policy of strictly limiting the hours that the horses in our care work, which explains why WVS Members’ places are at a premium.

Access to grazing and turnout is essential for the horses’ well being and Manor Farm Stables in Claygate – where they spend their holidays – is like a second home for them. This wonderful yard, with 70 acres of fabulous open fields, is owned by Amy and Sandra Cullingham and is only a 15 minute journey from WVS. Our horses enjoy regular turnout there, allowing them to relax and enjoy themselves, galloping around the fields with their buddies or grazing on the plentiful grass as they reinforce their ties as part of a herd, which helps to keep them fresh, happy and settled.

As always with horses, it requires an army of helpers behind the scenes to ensure everything runs smoothly. We have always been rigorous in the choice of our support teams, all of which are experienced and very caring, so our horses are expertly looked after by the vets at PJ McMahon’s practice in Sussex, our farrier, Sean Roche, who comes to the yard every Monday (the horses’ rest day), a Master Saddler who regularly checks all the tack and makes the requisite adjustments in response to any changes in weight or shape, and – if needed – maintenance treatments from a physiotherapist.

All horses benefit from routine, which helps them feel happy, safe and secure; at WVS, our horses have regular, appropriate exercise, interspersed with really important periods of peace and quiet when they can rest in their stables, which all have fresh, deep beds and ad lib, top quality hay. We have always made sure that WVS has a much higher staff to horse ratio than is typical in many other yards and, consequently, our horses enjoy the advantage of plenty of attention throughout the day, allowing us to spot any changes in their behaviour or health at an early stage. We hold regular staff training sessions to ensure that our very high standards are maintained, while staff lessons keep all our instructors at the top of their game.

All of the above contributes to WVS receiving the much sought-after five star rating from the British Horse Society as well as the annual licence from our local Council.

Our horses enjoying their regular field time

Wimbledon Village Stables Horse Welfare Policy and Guidelines

Registered with Merton Council licence number LN 000001888
Approved Riding School & Livery Yard by British Horse Society
Association of British Riding Schools Approved Centre

This policy outlines behaviour and standards relating to the welfare of all horses and ponies involved at WVS. It applies to all who come into contact with the horses, including: WVS staff and riders, staff or volunteers from other organisations, and visitors to WVS. It relates to all horses whether owned by, or liveried at, WVS.  This code and guidelines help protect the horses from mistreatment, and maintain the standard of behaviour expected of staff and volunteers.

Wimbledon Village Stables will ensure that:
All horses have a suitable environment to live in.
All horses have a healthy diet.
All horses are able to behave normally.
All horses have appropriate company.
All horses are protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease.
When working with horses, all staff and volunteers are acting in a position of trust. Staff and volunteers should be aware that they are role models for behaviour around horses, and behave with respect for the horses at all times.

When working with the horses people will:

Operate within WVS principles and guidance, and follow all instructions.
Handle horses using safe and appropriate techniques at all times.
Only feed horses in accordance with their individual feed plans.
Treat horses with respect and not threaten their dignity or wellbeing.
Not carry out any task without training and permission from WVS.

Care of horses:

Horses will receive annual vaccinations, dental checks and appropriate worming.
Horses will have their weight regularly monitored.
Horses will be fed appropriate diets, including any necessary supplements.
Horses will have access to clean water at all times.
All tack will be maintained in a good condition and fit the horse it is used on.
All horses will be trained and handled using approved methods at all times.
All horses will be worked appropriately according to their age and ability.Staff and volunteers will understand and follow guidelines set out in Code of practice for the welfare of horses, ponies, donkeys and their hybrids – Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, 8 April 2013.

Monitoring and review:
All members of staff and volunteers are expected to report any breaches of this code to their manager, the Office, Caroline Stevenson or the Proprietor Carol Andrews.
Any breach of the code may result in them being asked to leave WVS.
Carol Andrews and Caroline Stevenson are responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of this Policy and Guidelines via staff, volunteer and visitor observations and feedback.
This policy is reviewed annually.
Signed by: Carol Andrews BHSAI and Caroline Stevenson BHSI