Confident Rider – 16th May 2018. Under starter’s orders – thinking literally “Out of the Box”, Claire, on Carol’s horse Jack (AKA Handsome Jack), leapt out of the stable…
… and right in to the middle of the yard before a keen audience of mainly Members. How do we give confidence to our horses? – How do we feel more confident as riders? – Jen enlightened us with a superb talk, ably assisted by Carol and Caroline. We considered the permutations: Confident Horse/ Nervous Rider; Nervous Horse/ Confident Rider; or even more tricky – neither confident! We know the hazards; scary vehicles, road works, building works and many others. How to rise above it all? – “Give confidence to the horse even when the rider feels nervous” – “Take yourself out of the situation and look down on what is happening” – “Breathing is so important”. Breath normally, take deep breaths, avoid tensing up. Use of the voice is good but it has to be appropriate. The voice should be soothing. Stay sitting upright. So clearly, we could see as Claire leant forward and shortened the reins, her heels came up on the horse’s sides and Jack tensed up before our very eyes. It is okay to take your hands lower and wider for more lateral stability – but don’t let that pull you forward. Keep upright. “Avoid the foetal position” but do not lean back either. Rubbing the horse’s withers is a much better reward than frantic patting. Also, patting can pull you forward. Tight reins make the horse feel more constrained and more likely to feel a sense of panic. Jen, Carol and Caroline took questions. You can show the hazard to the horse but have, of course, to be more strict on the roads. Look at the hazards and look for the way through. The horse wants to find the way through too. If the sign is in the middle of the path – look at the path but look at the ditch too – or that is where the horse will end up! If the horse comes to a stop let another braver horse go past and lead the way. We heard a secret too (shhhh!); sometimes the horse puts on a spook to enjoy a bit of acting up and is not really scared at all. Members’ Drinks in the yard followed and there was the chance for a good catch up and chat amongst the friendly company. It was a wonderful evening and we all look forward to the next Members’ Drinks and Talk.